Corporate Social Responsibility
We’re TPSquared, designers of printed and digital marketing materials, based in Wombourne, just outside of Wolverhampton.
At TPSquared, we are all about building long-term relationships and working together to achieve success. We thought we would share with you our approach to corporate social responsibility (CSR) – the steps that we are taking to make a positive impact on our community and those communities of our customers and suppliers. Our CSR goals are aligned with our company strategy to have a significant impact on both our company and the communities in which the company operates.
TPSquared has developed a number of policies that affect and enhance all areas of our business, specifically:
- Our team
- Our customers
- Our suppliers
- Our environment
- Our community
Our team
We are committed to the wellbeing and continual development of the team members, where they are appreciated, valued and have a clear understanding of their role and how they contribute to the business.
- Supporting a healthier community – We have invested in our health and wellbeing by signing every member of the team up to a Paycare plan. This provides access to a wealth of support and resources to look after physical, mental and financial health. We are supporters of Mindful Monday promoting staff wellbeing and we are working towards bronze level accreditation on the West Midlands Combined Authority Thrive at work Programme
- Training opportunities – Cohort 1 alumni West Midlands Combined Authority Creative Scale Up Programme, Black Country Chambers of Commerce Members, with access to workshops and events
Our customers
We aim to build long-term relationships, continuously focusing on adding value, exceeding expectations and working together to achieve success. We aim to give fair value, consistent quality and reliability. We believe we have the highest professional and ethical standards and will be honest, open and transparent in all our dealings with customers.
Our Suppliers
We aim to create and maintain strong relationships with local key suppliers and our network of partners. We aim to choose suppliers that share our ethos in relation to employment practices, quality and environmental controls.
Our environment
We recognise our environmental impact as a business and aim to take appropriate steps to reduce that impact, and seek to improve our environmental performance.
- Reducing carbon footprint – all our printers use environmentally-friendly products that conform to the latest EU standards
- Saving energy at our HQ – energy efficient lighting and equipment
- Minimising waste – we operate a paperless, clear desk policy
Our community
We recognise and understand the significance of the local community within which we operate. We aim to enhance our contribution to the community by engaging, supporting and promoting local people and groups.
- Actively support Smile For Joel and The Haven Wolverhampton
- Supporters of Mindful Monday
- Sponsors of TEDxWolverhampton
- Members of the Black Country Chambers of Commerce
- Members of the BNI
A friendly and dedicated bunch, with experience in working with businesses of all shapes and sizes, both locally and nationally, who share the same values as ourselves. Have a project we can help with? We would love to hear from you!
TPSquared Limited
Gravel Hill House
Gravel Hill
01902 356280
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