Special annual charity concert celebrates successful third year

Now in its third year, held at Springdale Methodist Church Kingswinford-based Gentlemen Songsters held an evening of song to raise funds for well-deserving local charities. Sponsored by design agency, TPSquared, all profits from the concert this year were split between Compton Care and Sponsored Breaks.

Simon Love, co-founder of Sponsored Breaks said, “We are very much a community focussed organisation and the support we get from local companies is invaluable in helping us provide the support we do to people who are deserving of breaks. We would like to thank TPSquared and the Gentlemen Songsters for their fantastic support, the evening was fantastic.”

Carolyn Smith, TPSquared’s Managing Director is also excited by this collaboration : “TPSquared’s ambition is to support local businesses and community projects wherever possible, so being event sponsors and bringing the Gentlemen Songsters, Sponsored Breaks and Compton Care came together is a really exciting project for the whole team. We were thrilled with the success of the previous two year’s concert, and this year was even better.”

David Fyfe, Gentlemen Songsters Choir Committee Member said : “Now in it’s third year, the annual charity concert at Springdale has proved once again to be a huge success. The choir enjoyed entertaining the audience with a wide range of songs, old and new. Over the years the choir has raised more than £160,000 for charity, generating much needed funds for deserving charities, we’re pleased to help.”

Cara Bright, Compton Care Community and Events Fundraiser  “It was a was a pleasure to attend the concert and I’d like to thank The Gentlemen Songsters and TPSquared on behalf of everyone at Compton Care for your support. Your generous donation will contribute to the specialist care we provide to patients living with life limiting conditions and support for their families. Many thanks for a thoroughly enjoyable evening.”

Pictured left to right: Ken Crane Chairman of Gentlemen Songsters, Carolyn Smith Managing Director of TPSquared and Simon Love Founder of Sponsored Breaks

For further information please contact Carolyn Smith on 07580 100101 or carolyn@tpsquared.co.uk